How hard is it to stay focused in Network Marketing? As one recruit members into his or her business, it is very difficult to keep your downline members focus. One of the reasons is in their mind they are thinking that the money is going to come to them magically and in most cases it doesn’t. Network marketing is a journey in which very few people know. When getting involved in a MLM business one must be prepared for an emotional roller coaster ride through the ups and down that one will face doing this journey. Be prepared to not see any profits until three to six months down the line depending on what work you have put into it the first two months of marketing. Be very cost effective in whatever marketing strategy you use. Focus on and invest your time every week doing what you do best, and let others do what they do best.
One way to do this is with a lead system that recruits members that are like minded and share the same interest you do about network marketing or any business that you’re in. Recruiting now is made easy through new technology lead generating systems that perform the recruiting for you.
Focus on those activities you do brilliantly, and from which you produce extraordinary results. If you don’t, you’ll create higher levels of stress and ultimately burnout. Remember your business or Network Marketing business is going to eventually replace the primary income from your job. I see most network marketers start a business by just signing up, putting a months work to it and give up. In this business you cannot just be a starter. If you are a starter, you enjoy creating new projects, products and ideas that make things work better. The trouble with MLM starters is that they aren’t very good at finishing. They don’t like to do the boring stuff.
New members to Network marketing don’t like the idea of persistence without pay, not realizing that they are gaining valuable knowledge and the pay will come in truck loads with time. This is one of the reasons why MLM companies have such a bad rep. No matter what business you’re in, there is going to be time and money spent. What the business owner has to realize that it is his business, he or she is investing into themselves. Finishers love taking projects to completion. Often they aren’t good at initiating the project.
Most of the articles written by me are based on network marketing and mindset. Mindset is an important factor in any network marketing business. That is why you may hear from and recruiter at times that one must be in the right mindset because if you are not, then he knows that you’re out for the quick buck and will ultimately fail or quit. Focus on your downline and keep your team members focus and motivated and they will as well you experience success in any business you’re in.
For more insight on how to focus and create leads for your business refer to:
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
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